Thursday, June 19, 2008

Area Estimation of Images with defined Edges

The exercise was to compute the area of the square above with dimensions of 100*100. The filename saved is "square.bmp"

Green's theorem was used to obtain a formula for the area of an image in grayscale

The codes for the area estimation is as follows:

Image=imread('square.bmp') // to load the image in scilab
[x,y]=follow(Image) //to obtain the edge pixel values of the image
X=size(x,1); //this gives the width of the image
Y=size(y,1); // this gives the height of the image
x2(2:X)=x(1:X-1); // this was used for iteration

Area = 0.5.*sum(x.*y2-y.*x2)

and this gives me an area of 9216 with a percent error of 7.84%

Beth and Rica helped me in this exercise ;)

I rate myself 10/10 for this exercise

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